Chennai Restaurant Reviews

M’Bessy Kitchen & Bar

I was planning to meet a friend after many many years! Staying in touch on Facebook and meeting someone in person are not one and the same. Decided to go to the most happening place in Adayar, M’Bessy Kitchen & Bar in Esthell Hotel.

I called up the place only to be told that the Bar in the first floor allows only couples and we were welcome to dine in their fine-dining restaurant on the ground floor. Though I hated what I was told, I was kinda okay, as I wasn’t really keen on loud music and since we were catching up after a long time, we had a lot of things to talk about.
The place looked wonderful, nice classy ambience and equally impressive cutlery and overall, it looked really posh! We opted to have drinks along with some side-eats and found a place which was technically neither in the restaurant, nor in the bar. It was probably a ‘lounge’ which was a part of the restaurant. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Started with my favorite Rum and Cola and my friend preferred Rum with Scheweppes tonic. We ordered a Mezze Platter and chicken skewers, which we were told was their signature dish. The plating was fantastic and so was the taste. No complaints with the food. It was very tasty. The platter was awesome, and the three dips were distinctly different and tasted wonderful with the different breads. Chicken was soft, succulent and had a wonderful flavor. We went on a repeat mode with the drinks. Special mention about the peas that were served as the complimentary snack to our drinks. I tried asking for the name, but couldn’t get what the waiter said. I am assuming it was Wasabi-flavored peas, a bit pungent at the start, but only got better. One of our common friends joined us for dinner and he did not want a drink, but just preferred to have dinner. He ordered a Barbeque Chicken Pizza. We took a slice each from his pizza and it tasted wonderful!
While we were there, I wanted to use the restroom and had to go to the first floor to access the men’s room. That was the ‘banned area’ and somehow I happened to access it, courtesy nature’s call! The first floor was half empty and the DJ was playing loud music. Well, sort of sour grapes you may say, but then I’m not a lover of grapes either. ๐Ÿ™‚ The same music was made ‘available’ to the guests in the restaurant, lest they miss something important, and that seemed to be sort of a consolation prize ๐Ÿ˜›
Anyways, the dinner with drinks set us back by about 4.7K, out of which 1.6K was for food and rest was for drinks!
I’m not going to rate this place based on not being allowed to access the bar, but on the whole, a very nice place for food and drinks!

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