On daughter’s request, decided to make this dish again! The previous attempt was an even more amateurish attempt. This was a more confident attempt of the same dish! I had picked nice small brinjals in the morning from the market, quite pleased with that. 🙂
One quick look at Vahrevah Chef Sanjay Thumma’s video on Youtube, and immediately decided to follow this recipe. Quantities of spices are all approximations.
This involved two steps – Preparing the spice paste for stuffing, and then the brinjal fry itself.
Next step is to stuff the masala into the brinjal and shallow fry it on the tawa.
Quantity was more than what the tawa could hold, so had to use another one! At least got a chance to inaugurate the celebration kit by Chef Sanjeev Kapoor – WonderChef.
Quickly plated it and clicked a few pics and started to taste!
Everyone loved it, and that’s all mattered. Spice levels, masala, everything was spot on and couldn’t be more pleased!
If you’d like to see what I have been cooking during the lockdown, here’s a link to my cooking experiments. I’ll see you again with a new experiment from my kitchen. Until then, taata! 🙂
Cooking Experiments/ vegetarian
Mukasash Cooks Masala Gutti Vankaya Fry

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