Chennai Restaurant Reviews

The Marina

I wouldn’t like to call this a review, instead, just some information about this place so people know more about it. I do not eat sea-food by choice and it would be unfair to rate or review a restaurant which is primarily known for sea-food.

Why on earth did I go there then? πŸ™‚ We had a small lunch meet with our school classmates and this was the place decided by one of them who was hosting the lunch.
The place is located bang on College Road in Nungambakkam and is easy to locate. There is a decent parking for a few cars, so not a problem. As we entered, there was a strong odour of raw fish and I definitely wouldn’t be comfortable sitting here for the entire duration of the meal. Luckily, our table was arranged in the First floor where there was absolutely no smell of fish. So I wouldn’t recommend this place for vegetarians πŸ™‚ Don’t even think about it πŸ˜‰

I am not sure how many places in Chennai have this, but definitely new for me. Almost all kinds of fish (whole, cut and filets) were placed on crushed ice and were on display. You could just select a fish of your choice and ask for it to be cooked. So my friends took a tour to select what they were going to eat. I also accompanied them and had a look at the various fishes. I also saw huge crabs that were available for selection.
Then we got back to the table and soups were served. Since I Insisted on the word ‘Chickenarian’, all my dishes that followed were chicken πŸ™‚ I had a chicken soup, while my friends had crab soup. Then starters started to come one by one – Crab, Prawns, Fish, Squid was served while I was happy with my chilli chicken and schezwan chicken. The chicken was good and tasty. My friends relished the sea food. Obviously looking at the facial expressions, the food must have surely tasted yummy ! Quite full already, we just ordered some Chicken Fried Rice (yeah, Chicken again so I could eat) πŸ™‚ and parottas with fish gravy. I just had some chicken fried rice and it was good. Moved to desserts and a few flavors of ice cream were available. Nothing special, but it was good too.
What I realized was, some of my friends, in spite of being sea-food eaters were not too fond of selecting their own fish. πŸ™‚ So there’s a degree of love towards sea-food I think. So I would definitely recommend this place for hardcore sea-food lovers who want to check out the fish, get it cooked and eat it! As I said earlier, vegetarians and non-sea-food eaters, you are probably better off elsewhere !

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