Chennai Restaurant Reviews

Gossip Fusion Bistro, Uthandi on ECR

An absolutely pleasant dining experience on a lazy Sunday morning, and my goodness, what a spread !!! The place I’m referring to is none other than Gossip Fusion Bistro in Uthandi, on ECR. Have seen a couple of reviews already and sort of made up my mind for a weekend buffet. Today happened to be that day, myself and wifey took a long bike ride in this pleasant weather, straight to this place.

We reached around 9:30AM and had absolutely no trouble locating the place. It is bang on ECR, well before the Mayajaal Toll. Watch out for the Green Trends board on the left side, and that is most prominent. This is located in the same complex. As we entered, the place was lively, with a few tables already occupied. There was something about this place, very classy, very lively and vibrant! We opted for a table by the window, and there was ample light all over.
The spread was amazing! The reason I am saying this is because the variety and quality they offered was awesome, and priced at 399 nett, this was too good to believe. To start with, I’ve always been a fan of continental breakfast. I normally love that unless I’m in Oslo, eating this very same thing every day for 2-3 weeks, for breakfast. ๐Ÿ™‚ Skipped Minute steak as I do not eat beef by choice, started with Chicken sausages, Baked beans in tomato sauce, Vegetable cutlet, hashbrowns, and grilled tomato. The plate looked welcoming to say the least. Ordered a watermelon juice for myself and a Pineapple juice for my wife. The juices were served in cute bottles. They were not the thickest juices I’ve had, but I guess that’s also for a reason, you don’t want to get stuffed with one glass of juice. Both the juices tasted good though. Everythig on the plate was absolutely tasty – Sausages had a nice smokey flavor, vegetable cutlet was brilliant, hashbrowns was a bit different, not round like a tikki as I have seen it in other places, grilled tomatoes were tasty, baked beans was good too. Licked the plate clean, quite soon.
Since I wanted to check the ‘complete’ spread, decided to go Indian for the next round. A plate with Pongal, Vadai, Kesari, Chutneys was what I brought back to the table. Meanwhile a cheese Egg Omelette was served. A small issue here was that we got at least a few bits of egg shell in the omelette, and that’s something they have to be careful with. I am more than willing to overlook this small issue considering the rest of the experience. Just mentioning it here as a feedback, not a complaint. Chutneys were fresh and tasty. Vadais were yummy with crispy outers, just like how I like it. Kesari was good too. Tasted their Egg Dosa with Chicken Curry. This tasted very good, loved the flavor of coconut and fennel seeds in it. The chicken pieces in it were soft and flavorsome. The potato stew was good too, remember eating similar stuff long ago. By this time, we were pretty full and we still had to taste the waffles and pancake ๐Ÿ™‚ It was a visual delight, they looked so beautiful, and tasted as good. Pancake with honey and maple syrup was yumm! Many places have an overpowering smell of egg in it, here it was just rite! Waffles were awesome too, there was honey, maple syrup, sour cream and chocolate sauce to go with it, brilliant. Washed it down with a black coffee. Would have liked it a bit hotter, but was okay. Since I regularly have black coffee, felt this was not the best I’ve tasted.
The salad bar was way too tempting, and so were the breads. Unfortunately too full to to even go near them. That’s exactly what I meant when I said this is a steal for what you pay ! Finally coming to something that you hardly get to see anywhere other than star properties, a spic and span rest room. That says a lot about the place. I really hope this place only gets better and better!
Anyways, with that our Sunday breakfast ended wonderfully well ! Now coming to what made it even better ๐Ÿ™‚ Met three other WCE foodies and although briefly, we did strike up a conversation and was good to see a few others who were as interested in food as I was ๐Ÿ˜‰ The owners of the place Ramya and Hari were around and had a brief pleasant conversation with them too.
The breakfast cost us 798 bucks in all, and no taxes mentioned in the bill, not sure why!
I would certainly recommend this place for a wonderful weekend buffet ! People headed to Mahabalipuram and beyond have a nice place to stop for breakfast now. A visit with friends is due soon!

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